i was feeling better, a bit, Lucas was there for me, as were Mike and Annette, i would be okay i suppose. i had music, i still wanted that scholarship to Vince Lombardi, although i don't know why, maybe just to make them proud... i sat down and played the piano during my free period, i sat there and played For Good from Wicked. i sang it practically flawlessly, i never sang it out of tune, no matter how much sadness i felt i would never sing out of key.
My Aunt Amelia was a nice enough person, she seemed to care for me and even let Lucas stay for a while, but the second he wanted to or the second he turned 18 (which she undoubtedly preferred) he was to leave, we agreed. i was watching Friends it always cheered me up, i was halfway through The One in Vegas, and i was laughing, at Ross and Rachel, best couple ever! when i thought about my power, i turned off the tv and sat and thought about it, did my bio parents have powers too? was i part of some big plan? were the answers right under my nose? i'll never know i suppose.
it was an assembly in the quadrangle, as usual the principal would hand out some certificates from contests that most of us had never heard of, Lucas whispered to me:
"this is so boring, i mean i don't care what the class president has to say? why do we even have a class president?"
i laughed, and said: "do you wanna have some fun?"
"what?" he asked, i concentrated hard, the class president (Thomas Burbury), was about to make his speech, i concentrated hard to make him say exactly what i wanted.
"rotting maggots of death" he said 'there we go' i thought "i know that i won't be up here again, especially after this, i just wanted to say that Ms. Lamon has had more plastic surgery then Michael Jackson... and then some, Josh Davis has pimples all over his you know what, and i know cos i look at him all the time in the lockers, Tasha Sullivan stuffs her bra and for the record i don't do anything as class president and i take bribes from the teachers and i have had the teachers try to buy drugs from Lionel Branson, yeah we all know Lionel!!! and if it weren't for my titanium legs i'd kick all of your asses cos you are all shallow, superficial and losers!!!"
Lucas and i clapped, we seemed to be the only one who were, we cheered and then Tom got outta his trance and realized what he was saying, needless to say we didn't see him for the next week.
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