Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Ages

Sorry i haven't posted for a while, its been wild!

I let my new hippy friends stop off at a secret festival held out in the middle of nowhere: New Ages.
The music was the kind i had never heard before, unknowns i guess, singing about final statements, like the kind we talked about in the car last post.
i looked through the sea of people, some seemed to be dressed like they belonged at Woodstock! others looked like they were in the live aid concerts back 85'! all these people loved the past so much and saw so profoundly, it was so strange! but cool, Lucas looked bewildered and unsure about this place, but so was i.
"this place has some of the greatest music ever AND most of them live around here in trailers! nowhere else to go" said Jack, i nodded but i was off to see the future in a nearby tent.

Lucas had followed me to make sure i don't get into any trouble.
"Ah, Jane, what brings you in here?" asked a woman with flames tattooed all over her body.
"i, um... future" i said, i didn't know what to say.
"future? please, heres your future... you are on the road to certain destruction a changed name and address will not take away the memories that haunt you, i expect that you'll never be any better, parents gone, friends gone, except for Lucas of course and it is your fault of the school going up right?" i cried. her thoughts were: 'pathetic girl'. i felt hot tears down my face, i didn't like that at all, i thought to my self 'drop dead!' because i could n't say to her because of my uncontrollable sobbing. then she dropped dead.
"oh my god! shes dead" said Lucas, i looked at him stunned,
"it was me, i did it i told her to drop dead and she did" i wailed.
"it could have been anything! heart failure, aneurysm, anything!"
"don't try and make me feel better"
"it was not you!" he said, i read his mind, he knew it was true he just didn't want to believe it.
we ran out of the tent before anyone would notice, i couldn't believe it, i had told someone's brain to stop their heart from beating, shes dead!

i tried to enjoy the rest of the day with my friends.
Jack: the conspiracy theorist
Roxanne: the one who believes that death solves all the problems in the world
Lucy: she's ditzy and has red hair, reminded me of Lucy from I love Lucy
Reece: he's a real wacko, but a good guy.

"OMG! the fortune teller girl just dropped dead!" cried Jack, everyone just stood around her applauding and snickering, she wasn't well loved.
"finally somebody offed her! we got a guardian angel in our midst!" cried Roxy

we left shorty after her burial (don't ask) we hit the road again, with lots of souvinears and CD's to boot! the CD's were from the unknown bands and stuff but sounded good, i was still rattled over killing her but... i kinda helped, people were happy she was dead! strangely enough i felt horrible and disgusted about it, but content with it.
"another grand statement, death answers all problems, she was such a bitch!" Roxy cried excitedly, i was driving now, i figured i needed some reason to stay awake.

till next time. bye

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